I learn a lot from Sam. He teaches me almost daily that it is always better to have fun than to follow the rules. Rules like "don't jump on the couch" are silly anyway. It does not matter that said couch is fairly knew. It does not matter that you have fallen off and given yourself a black eye already. It does not matter that you have been warned, threatened, and maybe even spanked because of jumping on the couch. The potential for fun can trump any rule no matter what!
I like rules. I like to make them and usually I like to follow them. They bring order to the world. Lately though I have been thinking that maybe this three year old knows more than I do on this subject. The joy on his face when I caught him with that tape in his hands was pure. He knows better than to take things from our supply closet. He knows that Genevieve is not supposed to be in his room. Maybe I never stated the house rule that we are not allowed to tape up our belongings or our sister but I think he knew better on that one too. However, I was immediately stopped by that look on his face. He was willing to suffer the consequences because for those few minutes the benefits were amazing, wonderful, and just plain fun. I hope I remember this look. I hope every once in a while I step off the straight and narrow path and just have fun. I hope you do to.
All I can say to that is....Brava, Christine, for recognizing the small, yet amazing, moments that God gives to you each time you look into a child's face. I agree wholeheartedly - we parents make rules to protect our children and to keep the peace, but every once i a while, it does not hurt anyone to enjoy the moment, rules be darned! Love you, honey! Renee Borne (Privat wanna-be)
ReplyDeleteMatthew rocks our world in the same way. I thank God everyday for giving me a child that reminds me to laugh and be silly.