
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Operation Clean-Out Day 4

I can't wait to cook tonight.  All of our food is neat and organized!  This morning I planned our Monday through Thursday meals for the month of October.  I asked everyone at breakfast for suggestions of their favorite meals. I decided to really simplify things by planning a crock pot meal on Monday, sandwiches and wraps on Tuesday, beef on Wednesday, and chicken on Thursday.  I left the weekends opened.  I am not cooking any new recipes because I want to focus on the organizing.  There will be plenty of time for special cooking in November and December.  This planning took about four minutes.  I can't believe how just a little time organizing is changing my life.  I planned to straighten and purge the pots and pans today.  However, this only took ten minutes so I moved on to the rest of the cabinets.  I spent a little more than thirty minutes on this but not much more.  I left under the sink and cleaning the cabinet doors for tomorrow.  I am motivated to get a few other things done in other parts of the house and I want to go through the outside freezer before the mosquitoes make a comeback.  I am also vacuuming and dusting today because I want to not because I have to!  That has never happened before!!!  Don't feel compelled to join me in the extras.  No one is keeping track!

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